Services provided by TAISEI International

Buried Utility Location And Mapping


It is not always require for few customers to have a device to locate the cables and pipes. Such devices are very much required for the consultant and service providing companies. Thus for the customers who need to have maps and drawing for their utilities and who are not much interested in purchase, we are providing the consultancies. We have well trained engineers who are certified and trained by our principal. We started these services jobs with LnT and now we have given our best to many Govt., IT, water bodies, fire fighting firms, other infrastructure related bodies.

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Proceq repair:


From our childhood to present day, things are changing continuously. Erlier the rate of change was slow and gradualy incresed and is accelerating more. The need is to make every one aware that this change is so rapid that now we are on the verge of loosing a life supporting resource from our planet, Pure Drinking Water. How many of us are taking pure drinking water from nature directly? Our objective is to support nature and life. We have just started in baby steps towards the water saving sector. DROPFIND is in its very initial stage. The sole purpose of having such a division in TAISIE INTERNATIONAL is to introduce a support to our environment in the form of technology to reduce the water losses. Such services are very helpful in reducing the time and labor. There is still lack of awareness in this particular field. We hope the extensive use of the technology will make every one aware of it. As we will grow, we have targeted to be one of the biggest service providers for environmental causes.

Water Leakage Detection.


We are in to water leakage detection in buried pipe line. From last 4 years we have provided our services to almost every renowned IT firms and in Govt. sectors. Our dedicated team has huge experience of leakage detection in variety of site condition. This is a very slow and not an easy job. Engineers are trained at principal site and have earned experience in almost all kind of Indian conditions.


Pavement Evaluation:


We are also providing services for Pavement Evaluation. The Network Survey Vehicle � Hawkeye 2000 and Roughometer from ARRB (Australian Road Research Board ) are the very renowned technology which can give all the required readings for the evaluation of the pavement in the real time. Every year we do many projects for our customers. The results are very fast and all with their relative GPS locations.

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